Combating Winter Weather – Lip Rescue Products

I absolutely hate the cold weather because let’s fact it – my skin is already in bits and it’s only the beginning of December! Every inch of me from my elbows to my cuticles is horrified by the sudden lack of moisture in the air. So, I’ve decided that it’s time to publish a “Winter Weather Rescue” series, focusing on some no frill products that actually work. However, this series has a twist – I can’t try every product on the market because, I don’t have that much skin. With that in mind, I will be asking my followers to make some recommendations too and basically, majority wins. I will be writing about the products that you love, the products that I love and the products that we both hate. Let the winter games begin!

First up, I want to talk about lip balms. If I could only wear one type of beauty product for the rest of my days, it would definitely be lipstick. A slick of lip colour is definitely the quickest fix for brightening your complexion and I have a collection that spans hundreds of different shades – yes, hundreds! So, when my lips are chapped, it tends to be an issue. Of course, I’ve search high and low for cures and after asking all of you to give me some recommendations, I’ve come up with the following list:

My Favourites:


Dr Paw Paw “Multipurpose Soothing Balm” (€7.95) – Available Here from Cloud10 Beauty:

Dr Paw Paw

I’m mad about this balm because it’s a multipurpose product and really can be used to solve a multitude of problems. It soothes and heals chapped lips but it also works as a hair conditioner, body moisturiser and works surprisingly well on sunburn. My only issue with this one is that it’s really difficult to squeeze out of the tube and that drives me bananas if I’m in a hurry but that’s something I can live with when the product genuinely works.


Kiehl’s “Mango Scented Lip Balm” (€11) – Available Here from Debenhams:

Kiehls Mango Lip Balm

When I first purchased this lip balm, it did cross my mind that I may have gone temporarily insane because I paid €11 for a 15ml tube but, I’ve since realised that you get what you pay for. I love the Mango scent so I tend to wear this one underneath matte lipsticks on an everyday basis to keep my lips healthy, rather than to repair already damaged lips.


Blistex “Intensive Moisturiser Hydrating Lip Cream” (€3.79) – Available Here from Boots:

Blistex Intensive Moisturiser.png


I’ve been using this lip balm since it was stored in my pencil case in Secondary School (not the same tube, obviously) so it has definitely stood the test of time. It’s not as glamorous as some of the other options in this post but it works every single time. I do dislike the fact that the formula applies in a white shade but the colour fades in seconds and you’re left with moisturised, soothed lips.


Follower Favourites:


La Roche Posay “Cicaplast” Balm (€6.50) – Available Here from Boots:


When I asked for recommendations for lip balms on my Instastories, at least a dozen people mentioned this offering from La Roche Posay. One person who recommended it was Aisling Hickey of @ILoveBarrysTeaAndBrows whose make up tips I trust 100%. Of course, I also did a little background research on the internet and Google tells me that Aisling isn’t the only one raving about this balm. It’s designed to create a long-lasting barrier around your lips to prevent and repair extreme chapping. Supposedly, this one layers really well under lipstick and acts as a primer so I’m going to pick one up online, after I finish this post.


E.L.F. Cosmetics “Lip Scrub” (€6.45) – Available Here from Cara Pharmacy:


elf lip scrub review


Alright, I know that technically this one isn’t a lip balm but it’s still a rescue product. Lots of you were quick to point out that lip balms won’t be effective unless you exfoliate your lips every few days and the majority of those who were asked to recommend lip exfoliators, said that they loved this one from E.L.F. It may not be most fabulously presented product – I’m a bit concerned about the brown shade – but if it works, you couldn’t go wrong at that price point. Another one for my wish list.


Failed Rescue Missions:


Vaseline “Lip Therapy Original” (€2.69):

Vaseline Lip Therapy.png


I know that so many people are going to disagree with me on this one but I hate Vaseline. It’s pretty much just petroleum jelly in a cute tin and even though it feels as though it’s soothing my lips upon application, the effects are temporary and my lips always seemed to become more chapped than ever after this product fully absorbs.


EOS “Organic Sweet Mint Lip Balm” (€5.99):

EOS Lip Balm

As a general rule, I really try not to get sucked into purchasing products through celebrity advertising and promotion but years ago, when Nicole Scherzinger worked with EOS, I couldn’t resist. This product sounds great – it’s certified as organic with all natural ingredients but, I just didn’t find it to be effective at soothing and moisturising lips. The packaging is cute and I enjoyed the minty scent but I wouldn’t repurchase.


And there you have it – all the hit, miss and follower favourite products that made the list of lip balms. Now tell me, what do you think of this format? Do you enjoy some follower input? Let me know in the comment section!

Rouge x